

If you are a CPS employee, please read the instructions directly below. For staff from all other schools, please scroll down to find the signup link.



If you are a Chicago Public Schools Employee, please select the link below to log in.  If you are a CPS employee and do not have an account, contact [email protected]. Please do not sign up in the main portal or you will have to re-take the course. The training deadline has been extended beyond October 18, 2023.  You DO have additional time to complete the Time Out Training.




CPS staff: CPS has partnered with the Center for Intensive Behavioral Supports (CIBS) at Illinois State University (ISU) to provide online training regarding the use of time-out. Staff members are assigned this training as part of a staggered rollout. Please check your email for your personal login information. The training deadline has been extended beyond October 18th; however, it needs to be prioritized and completed as soon as possible. If you have additional questions, please reach out to your administrator.


SIGN UP: All other school entities

Due to the passage of Public Act 102-0339, the Illinois State Board of Education requires any educator who has used time out, isolated time out, or physical restraint during the past three years to complete 8 hours of training focusing on:

  • crisis de-escalation
  • restorative practices
  • identifying signs of distress during physical restraint and time out
  • trauma-informed practices; and
  • behavior management practices


All materials are based on field research and best practices, with implicit bias content integrated throughout each module. To access the learning platform, please set up an account and register. On the HomePage of the learning platform, there will be a button at the top right of the screen to 'sign-up'. This is how you create an account.


After completing all activities within a module and submitting the post-training survey, participants can download a Certificate of Completion (for each module). Each participant must download and save the certificate for each completed module and share it with school administrators to document training completion. In addition, for those seeking ISBE professional development hours, there is an option for participants to complete the ISBE evaluation and, after successful submission, download the evidence of completion form.

Login or Sign Up


Once registered and access is granted to the learning platform, all participants must view the Introduction module. Then, participants can enroll in other training based on:

  • identified areas
  • participant interest
  • meeting 8-hour requirement

Below are descriptions of each training:

Review the Introduction to gain an overview of the courses.

Restraint and Time Out (RTO) Rules and Regulations

This module outlines the newly amended rules and regulations developed by the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois State Board of Regulation.
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Crisis De-escalation

This module focuses on interrupting an escalating behavior cycle to minimize the need for physical intervention or exclusionary discipline.
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Behavior Support Practices

Proactive Approaches to Behavior Management and The ABCs of Understanding Behavior
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Trauma-Informed Practices

This module focuses on the lasting impacts a child can experience as a result of exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or trauma.
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Restorative Practices

The module focuses on an alternative to traditional punitive discipline.
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Identifying Signs of Distress

The information you will learn within the module of Identifying Signs of Distress during physical restraint and time out will help you keep your students out of any points of suffering.
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Build a Classroom Community Through Proactive Circles

This module will examine community circles as a foundational strategy for using the power of relationships to create a positive classroom climate and culture.
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Mid-Valley SPED Coop Learning Beyond Boundaries Webinar

In this module, Lisa Palese from Mid-Valley Special Education Cooperative outlines her experience receiving a state complaint from the initial student incident through the resulting evolution in school support for all students.
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Implicit Bias

In this module, we look at the influence of implicit bias and the disproportionate discipline practices used by schools, particularly in response to behavior by people of color and those with disabilities.
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One Tool in the Toolkit: Using Time Out Effectively

This module reviews the basics of time out, is intended to confirm or deepen your knowledge, and provides information on best practices in using time out.
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Form 11-01: Let’s Get Accurate Data!

The Physical Restraint and Time-out Form, often referred to as Form 11-01, is required to report the information to ISBE. This module was designed to help staff complete the ISBE Form 11-01 correctly.
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Adult Self-regulation

Adult self-regulation is an approach for school staff to engage in personal preventative and de-escalation strategies to increase the likelihood of equitable outcomes for all students, regardless of ability or background.
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